Wednesday, May 26, 2010

His Story

Tamarind Art Gallery presents "His Story", an exhibit of works by Hindol Brahmbhatt. His art will be on display from June 1 through July 31.

Hindol's paintings immediately catches the audiences attention by its visually striking approach to telling the story. He incorporates a variety of materials such as wooden planks, plexiglass, and canvas. This mixed media approach along with his technique of blow-torching the wood, etching the plexiglass, and combining them in one cohesive piece creates a unique look that only an innovative artist can produce.

Beyond the visual appeal, the subject matter in itself gives a history lesson to the viewer. Including historical figures such as Frida Kahlo, Salvador Dali, and Ghandi of whom Hindol has been largely influenced. He uses
historical figures as subjects in his works allow him to tell their stories from a new perspective. He emphasizes the fact that history in our time has become a sort of product, which is displayed well such as an exhibit. In past work he has used the images of Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, and Gandhi by whom Brahmbatt has been heavily influenced. In reflection of his own artwork he has said, “I believe in the truth of opposites. For every argument there would be a counter-argument that can be equally valid. So I leave it to the viewers to interpret my work, and draw their own conclusions.”